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Dr. Joe and

Rev. Linda Burns


In His Service Since

1957- Joe

1972 - Linda

to About Dr. Joe & Rev. Linda
BroJoe (2)

About Dr. Joe & Rev. Linda Burns

•In 1961, at the age of   16, Dr. Joe Burns began his ministry as a  3rd generation minister (Grandfather, Father, Son)

•To further his education as a minister, he attended a well known  bible college in San Antonio, TX

•After attending bible college Dr. Burns resumed traveling and ministering to 100’s of people

•He met his wife while ministering and the two of them became a team working together; preaching, teaching, praying, and prophesying to over half a million people in the Body of Christ

•While traveling, Linda was diagnosed with  cancer, told she would never have children, and had only 3 months to live.  Dr. Burns prayed for his wife and in less than 24 hours she was completely healed, released from the hospital and back in church that night to give God the glory

•They now have three children, Elizabeth, Stephen, and Rebecca, who actively participate with their parents singing and playing instruments

•While traveling, the Lord dealt with Dr. Burns to move the worldwide headquarters of Hidden Manna Ministries from Florida to Las Vegas, Nevada

to Services

About HIMM/Hidden Manna Ministries

Hidden Manna Ministries is a non-profit

charitable trust formed in 1990 by

Dr. Joe and Rev. Linda Burns

whose purpose is to

set the captives free by two ways:


1.The anointed preaching of the Word.

2.The flowing of the prophetic word to the people across the world so that they can be refreshed.


to Work

Advanced Christianity

In an age when the sinner has no answers and the church is

being inundated with half-truths from the

inside and outside….

Dr. Joe and Rev. Linda Burns bring you


“Simple Solutions that

offer Advanced Growth”.


With over 75 years of walking with God, this

international ministry brings answers from the Bible. 


Through “Advanced Christianity”, Christians are challenged to new levels through the reading of the Word, trying the spirit, and facing the enemy head on. 


This ministry addresses the former taboos that have been overlooked by the Christian Church and addresses why the church of today, as a whole, is powerless. 


It is a refreshing rain on a drought stricken people.



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PO Box 231659

Las Vegas, NV  89105

Tel: 702-251-HIMM (4466)

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All Rights Reserved. Hidden Manna® is a registered trademark of

Hidden Manna Ministries

Simple Solutions That

Offer Advanced Growth

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